Andi and I have a lot in common. The biggest thing would be this wall between us… she is my next door neighbour! We share a 90 year old Toronto semi with poor insulation and sound-proofing. So, when my daughter is up all night crying we share that too. (Sorry Andi!) Andi is incredibly thoughtful and caring and she is the kind of neighbour that the entire neighbourhood loves. She watches out for us, and everyone knows her name. She made us feel incredibly welcome and we are so thankful. She also has the two friendliest little boys and a thriving in-home personal training business. You guys need to trust me on this one. Crush quotient HIGH! Meet Andi!


Your Name: Andi Clark
Kids Names: Dante 5 years, Tyson 3.5 years (almost 4 as we are reminded EVERY DAY)
Company Name: Home Fit

What is the Story behind your business?

I used to work at an executive gym downtown Toronto. My web site was created in 2001. I couldn’t keep up with all of the clients that came in, so started handing them to my friends. My clients encouraged me to start contracting out the clients. They even helped me with the set up and in 2002 Home Fit was born. In 2005 I incorporated and left the gym and have never looked back.


How did the idea for the business come about?

WI’ve been a personal trainer for 20+ years. I would train people 2-4 times a week, but all of the other hours in that week they were without a support system to help keep them motivated and accountable. Clients would achieve their goals, but would have trouble maintaining them once they stopped training. I have finally created my dream training company where personal trainers, pilates and yoga instructors come right to your house, condo or office AND we also join clients online to create a supportive environment keeping everyone accountable and motivated between sessions. The success of our clients has skyrocketed since implementing the motivation group. It’s a dream come true! 

Recently a client went away for a month. She was able to keep up with her work outs because of the solid base she had achieved before leaving and while she was away we were able to virtually support and motivate her. She said she’d never have been able to keep up with it on her own. Another client lost 9 lbs and 9 inches her first month with us. Then life threw her a curve ball. She had to stop training, but stayed in our motivational group. We all supported her and she managed to not veer far off track and is now back training. She said she would have fallen off like she had in the past without the support of everyone in the group.


What motivates you?

I love watching clients transformations.   Not just the physical, but the mental transformation.   Many clients come in feeling defeated as they have tried all of the diets and exercise programs out there.  Watching them get excited about training sessions and the increase in self confidence and self worth is what drives me to want to reach out and help more and more people every day.   


What is the most challenging part about being an entrepreneur / working mom?

Trying to find balance between the two.  Honestly when my boys were first born I let things slide on the business side.  I knew I would never get the time back with my kids.    But that left me having to build things back up again.   I struggled with being in the office working when I would normally be with them.   I now schedule time with them in my calendar so that I don’t feel as guilty and when it is their time and I put all electronics away and give them full attention. 


What is the biggest lesson you have learned about being an entrepreneur / working mom?

I have learned that I can’t do everything on my own and that’s ok. It’s ok to ask for help.  Be that someone watching my son so that I can get some work done or a huge step for me is bringing on an admin assistant to help with the day to day running’s of my company. 


What is the next step for you and this business?

I am working on growing Home Fit while making sure that the level of care taken with each client remains the same.


What would you tell your “starting-out” self? 

Hire a coach!   You are an amazing personal trainer, but you don’t know anything about business.   Instead of learning through trial and error hire someone who can teach you how to do it right the first time round!


What is your super power?

My superpower would have to be my organizational skills. I get it from both my parents. It’s what keeps my household together and on track. There is no way I would be able to be a mom and entrepreneur without it. What is something that you think people should know about you? I am very passionate and caring and love to help people. And if there is salsa music watch out as I won’t be able to stop moving my hips.


Who is your supporting cast of characters? (who needs a shout out)

Definitely my husband. He supports my crazy schedule and is such a great father! And then I can’t forget my trainers/instructors and amazing clients. Home Fit would not be as successful and supportive without them!

Home Fit in-home personal training in Toronto logo

Home Fit in-home personal training in Toronto

Want to get fit in the comfort of your own home (or office?)  or

Outdoor Voice

Welcome to Outdoor Voice, the blog for parents from Hip Mommies. We feature products of course, but also share reviews, host giveaways, and have moms that are doing great things share a bit about themselves. We are huge into Mom Crushes, parenting hacks, tips, kids, DIY recipes and more for the modern Canadian family. Want to participate? Send us an email!

Jennifer Myers Chua

Jennifer Myers Chua

Creative Director

email me: [email protected]


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