At Hip Mommies, your family’s health & safety is our top priority.

We are vigilant reviewers of third-party safety testing reports and we make sure our products are safe for little ones.  All products that we bring into Canada comply with existing safety regulations and standards.

toddler carrying her ezpz is safe because of Health Canada guidelines

What is safety testing & compliance? Why does it matter?

The government of Canada has requirements that all legally imported products must meet. This is to ensure that all the goods that make it into your home are rigorously tested for safety and free of harmful toxins like lead, phthalates, flame retardants. They are also determined safe for dishwashers, microwave, and other common uses. In Canada, we have regulations to protect Canadians from potentially harmful goods by requiring these tests to validate safety and compliance.  

Every product that we import is tested to Canadian requirements. Just to be sure that our products are not harmful, we require additional and rigorous third-party safety testing. 

A product that is inspected for safety and compliance testing is reviewed for design, safety and quality based on the following.

  • Chemical Testing
  • Design Review and Evaluation
  • Endurance and Performance Testing
  • Flammability Testing
  • Mechanical and Physical Testing (usage)

Keep in mind that items imported direct to consumer from other countries might not meet Canadian requirements for safety.

young boy eating with kizingo and ezpz Happy Mat

We are committed to upholding the highest standards for safety and quality for all of the products we bring into Canada.

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